Delicious: Good News!

As many of you know, I’ve been a fan of Delicious social bookmarks for quite a while. (See this post from two years ago.) Its future came into question recently when Yahoo, who bought Delicious in 2004, decided to yank the staff it had devoted to it. The blogosphere exploded with the suggestions for other social bookmarking sites. I had tried some of those sites before, others I hadn’t heard of. After dancing amongst them, I decided that Delicious was the best choice for me, so I decided to ride it out and see what happened.

Imagine my pleasant surprise when I received this email last night:

I followed the link and gave my permission. If you have Delicious bookmarks, you have until July 2011 to give your permission, otherwise you lose access to your account.

Yahoo didn’t do much with Delicious after its purchase in 2004, so I’m very interested in seeing when AVOS’ plans are for what is already a rich tool.

Using Tegrity with Dual Monitors

[UPDATE 10/9/2012   : Tegrity now has dual-monitor support for both Macs and PCs.  When you run the Tegrity recorder, if Tegrity detects more than one monitor, it will ask if you’d like to record the current monitor.  If you want to record the other one, click the blue arrow to change monitors.  Very easy!]

Bear with me while I digress from my normal postings. Typically I discuss technology that is freely available to most or about technology that many already have, such as Microsoft Office. This time I’m going to discuss an issue that I spent quite a bit of time working on before hitting upon a solution. This post is for people who meet the following two conditions:

  1. You use dual monitors for your presentations. That means that you have your regular computer screen and you have an ‘extended desktop’ projected on a second monitor. In my classroom, my laptop is my main monitor, and what is projected onto the screen that my students see is the secondary monitor (aka ‘extended desktop monitor’).
  2. You use Tegrity. Tegrity is lecture capture software. It will record whatever is on your computer screen and webcam and whatever audio is fed through a microphone. In other words, it captures your lecture as you lecture. It’s very helpful for students who missed class, for students who have an accommodation for a notetaker, for ESL students, or for students who just want to hear the instructor’s explanation one more time.

My setup

In the image below, on the left is what my students see projected on the classroom screen. On the right is PowerPoint presenter view (see this blog post if you’re unfamiliar with presenter view. Briefly, the projected screen is duplicated in the top left of the laptop window. My notes are on the right, and at the bottom of my laptop screen is a filmstrip of my slides that allows me to jump to any slide in my presentation.)

The problem

Tegrity only captures what is on my laptop screen (my notes, all of my slides), not what I’ve projected on the classroom screen. I want that to be the other way around. You’d think that Tegrity would be able to detect when dual monitors are in use and allow the user to determine which monitor would be recorded. But, as of this writing, that’s not an option.

The work-around solution

To get Tegrity to record what is on the classroom screen, I need to trade screens. I need to put my computer on the projected screen and put the extended desktop on my laptop.

  1. Flip the monitors. For me that means right clicking on my desktop and under ‘graphic properties’ I make the monitor (projected screen) my primary device and make my notebook my secondary device.

    My computer’s desktop is now visible on the projected screen. This is what Tegrity will record.

    Tip: If you don’t want your students to see your desktop icons, you can temporarily hide them. Right click on the desktop. Under view, uncheck ‘show desktop icons.’

    If I just stop here and run PowerPoint, all of my notes and the filmstrip of my slides will appear on the projected screen, and just the slide will appear on my laptop. Not what I want. To solve that, I need give PowerPoint some instructions.

  2. Flip PowerPoint presenter view. Open the PowerPoint presentation, and on the Slide Show tab, check ‘Use Presenter View.’ Directly above that, where it says “Show On:’ select ‘Primary Monitor.’ In step one, we made the ‘primary monitor’ the projected screen. That means that slides will now be projected on the classroom screen. This will need to be done for all of your PowerPoint files. Once you change one PowerPoint file, all of the others (just in the same folder?) will change as well. [Updated  5/3/2011.]

In a nutshell

Tegrity will only record the primary monitor. What I’ve done is make the projected screen the primary monitor, and I’ve told PowerPoint to project slides onto the primary monitor.

Dropbox Folder Sync

As my regular readers know, I’m a big fan of Dropbox (see this earlier post). Dropbox adds a new folder to your ‘My Documents’ folder called ‘My Dropbox.’ Let’s say that you’ve created a folder in ‘My Documents’ called ‘Important Committee.’ Inside that folder are several other folders. Let’s say one of them is called ‘Stuff to Share.’ You want to share this folder with your fellow committee members for coordinating the work of your committee. But you don’t want to move your entire committee folder to Dropbox, and you don’t want to pull that one subfolder out; you like to keep your files neatly organized in one place.

Enter Dropbox Folder Sync.

After it’s installed, and you tell it where your ‘My Dropbox’ folder is located, just right click on your ‘Stuff to Share’ folder and select ‘Sync with Dropbox.’ Dropbox Folder Sync will effectively move your ‘Stuff to Share’ folder to your ‘My Dropbox’ folder, white creating a shadow folder (called a symbolic link) at its original location in the ‘Important Committee’ folder. Add a file to ‘Stuff to Share’ in either location, and the file will immediately appear in the other location. Edit a file in one location, and the edited file will appear in the other location.

If you choose the 2.0 Beta version, you also get an unsync option. Right click on the folder that’s in its original location, and select ‘UnSync with Dropbox.’ The folder in ‘My Dropbox’ will be deleted, and all of that folder’s files will only, once again, reside in the original location.

How slick is that?


Corkboard: New Features

In December 2010 I wrote a post about Corkboard, a virtual bulletin board.

They just announced some new features.

You’re welcome to play around with this live board.

If you have frequently-changing content for your students, it would be easy enough to embed a corkboard in your website or course management system (CMS), and just update the sticky notes as needed. No need to edit your website or CMS.

Have other uses for it? Leave a comment!

My Favorite Firefox Add-ons

I’m a Firefox user, mostly because of the add-ons. These are my favorites.

Colorful Tabs. I typically have 5-10 tabs open at one time. Having them colorized help me pick them out quickly. The tab I’m currently on is brighter than the others and the page title is bolded. The add-on comes with the ability to customize in many different ways. For example, you can have Colorful Tabs generate colors at random, but you can also specify certain colors for certain domains. For example, my Google Reader tab is always aqua.

Delicious Bookmarks. As a Delicious user I’m frequently bookmarking interesting websites. With this add-on, I can right-click on any page to “bookmark this page in Delicious.” Alternatively, CTRL-D does the same thing. CTRL-Shift-Y calls up a dialog box where I can type in a tag. When I hit “OK,” I’m taken to my bookmarks that carry that tag. CTRL-B opens a sidebar where I can see all of my tags and all of my bookmarks, complete with a handy search box where I can search either the full text of the bookmarked webpages or just the tags.

Download Helper. This add-on gives me a small icon on the navigation toolbar that is available on websites that contain video. By right-clicking the icon, I can download almost any video file. In this example, you can see that I’m about to download the video from my “Grading Electronically” blog post.

F1 by Mozilla Labs. Quickly share any webpage to Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, or by email (gmail or yahoo mail). Click the icon in the top right corner or click F1, to make the entry fields appear. I have mine set up to go to Facebook or be sent from my gmail account or my yahoo mail account.

Google Shortcuts. Add your Google services as icons to the navigation bar. When I click an icon, the related webpage will open in a new browser tab. Here I can access my Google: mail, voice, reader, maps, books, calendar, analytics, URL shortener (, web history, Android app inventor, and settings for Google shortcuts where I can add or delete icons.

LastPass. This will generate passwords and save them as well other webform responses, and automatically enter them when I visit the webpage in the future.

New Tab King. When I open a new tab in Firefox, this is what I see. The search box gives me the sites I’ve visited first before offering to search the web for me. Below are the thumbnails for the 9 most-visited websites, each is an active weblink. By mousing over a thumbnail, as I did in the first one, I can click the thumbtack to pin it in that position. If I don’t pin it, the most-visited site will always appear in that position. On the right I have quick access to recently closed tabs, web shortcuts and shortcuts for applications, such as my computer’s calculator. Click the cog in the upper right corner to access settings.

QR Link Maker. Right click on any webpage (or image or email address, or phone number), and select “QR code.” A QR code will be generated. Right click on the code to copy or save. (See this blog post for more about QR codes.)

If you’re a Firefox user, what are your favorite add-ons?

Doodle: Google Calendar Integration

I’ve been a big proponent of Google calendar as a personal calendar clearinghouse, and I’m also a fan of Doodle for finding a time when everyone can get together for a meeting. While you can enter all of your free times in by hand when creating your Doodle poll, you can also let Doodle pull in your Google calendar and identify the free times for you.

Go to At the bottom of the page, click “Google Calendar.”

On the next page, click “Connect with Google.”

Doodle will ask you to log in. If you don’t already have a account (free), you’ll need to register for one.

Your settings page will appear. Click “Connect new Google account.”

Google will let you know that Doodle is asking for permission to access your calendar. Give it permission. Doodle will confirm that your Doodle account is connected to your Google account. That means that when you’re logged into Doodle and are scheduling a new event, Doodle will automatically access your Google calendar.

Go back to the main Doodle page and select “Schedule an Event” as you normally do. In step 1, you title your event and provide a description. In step 2, your Google calendar will load. Make sure the time zone is correct. Check which calendars you want to see. Here I’ve only checked my primary “Sue Frantz” calendar.

Now that you can easily see when you’re free, click on the times you want. Everything in blue is a time I’ve designated as a possibility for my meeting. You can see them in list view on the far left.

Navigate through the remaining steps as you normally would. That’s it.

Doodle does NOT change your Google calendar. All it is doing is bringing up Google calendar so you can see when you’re free and lets you choose times.

Share calendars

One more tip while I have you thinking about Doodle. If there are people with whom you frequently schedule meetings, you can all share your free/busy times with each other through Doodle.

Next to your email address in the top right corner of any Doodle page, click “Manage Account.” Then click “Share calendars.”

Put in the email address of the person you want to see your free/busy times and check the box(es) for the calendar(s) you wish to share. Important: The people you are sharing with must have a Doodle account; check with them to see which email address they use to log in to Doodle.

Of course is you are at an institution that uses Outlook, you already have built-in access to everyone’s free/busy times. If you’re working with people at different institutions on a long-term project, this kind of access could be a real time saver.

Happy Doodling with Google!

Grading Electronically: Tips, Tricks, and Shortcuts

Whatever your motivation, switching from grading by hand to grading electronically may take a little extra time until you get down a system that works for you, but it’s worth it. Students use less paper. I write more comments since they’re not constrained by margin size, and my comments are legible. Having electronic copies of student work is handy when a year or two later a student asks for a letter of recommendation. 

Students submit assignments.

Decide if you want files sent in a particular file format. MS Word can handle most formats, but if you want to be cautious accept just doc, docx, and rtf formats.

If you don’t use a course management system), there are two main ways students can submit their assignments.

Via email. When students submit assignments, immediately respond with a “got it” message. Consider using a program like PhraseExpress to quickly type the response email.

Create an email folder called “Grade these.” Move the student’s email to that folder. That keeps those emails from getting lost in your inbox.

When you’re ready to grade, open your “Grade these” folder, and pull the attachments off into a “Student papers” folder on your desktop, in Dropbox, in My Documents, or wherever you’d like to save them. If you use Outlook, EZDetach is a program that will pull all of the files from email messages in the same folder all at once, adding the sender’s name, email address, and most anything else you’d like to the attachment’s filename and drop them into whatever folder you’d like, in this case, your “Student papers” folder.

File location tip: If you want to be able to grade from home or work, create your “Student papers” folder inside of Dropbox.  Wherever you have Dropbox, you’ll have all of your papers you need to grade.

Via Dropbox. If you use Dropbox, then I recommend using DropItToMe. Students visit a website, and with a password you provide, students upload their files to a folder called “DropItToMe” located in your “My Dropbox” folder. Since DropItToMe sends you an email to let you know when new content has been added, you can keep track of when assignments were submitted.

As due dates pass, move files from your DropItToMe folder to your “Student papers” folder on your desktop, in Dropbox, in My Documents, or wherever you’d like to save them. This keeps newer assignments separate from older assignments.

DropItToMe tip. Ask your students to name their files in some standardized way, such as lastname firstname time assignment, e.g., Garcia Juan 230 paper 1. That way you know what exactly what the file is just by looking at the filename.

Late assignment tip: If you want to keep track of assignments that are sent late, add “LATE” to the end of the filename.

Deadline tip: Since assignments are being sent online, you can make your assignments due any time. Mine are due at 11:59pm. If it came in yesterday, it was on time. If it came in today, it’s late.

Use MS Word’s track changes.

retaining the original. For example I’ve added ‘add’ and ‘remove’ while deleting ‘delete.’

Both of these functions can be found on the Review tab.

For common comments, try PhraseExpress. For example, many of my students will start a sentence with a number. Rather than type out the same comment each time, I have programmed PhraseExpress so that when I type “#num” PhraseExpress replaces that with “Write out numbers that begin sentences.” Very handy!

I recommend saving the file as a PDF to send back to the student. This serves two purposes. 1.) It doesn’t matter what program the student used to write the paper. You can use Word’s functionality to grade it and send back all the changes and comments in a form that most everyone can read. 2.) If you want the student to continue to work on the paper and submit future drafts, the student has to go into their document and make the changes. If sent back in Word, the student could simply “accept changes,” and all of the editing you did on the paper would immediately become part of the paper without the student even needing to read through the changes you made.

Keyboard shortcuts. Instead of going through the ribbons to turn on track changes or add a comment, use your keyboard.

Turn on/off track changes = CTRL-SHIFT-E
Insert a comment = Highlight the text you want to comment on, then CTRL-ALT-M

Here’s a PDF of the Word 2010 keyboard shortcuts if you’d like to learn others. There are 11 pages of them. Just pick out a couple to add to your repertoire. Once you have those down, move on to others.

If you don’t want to remember the keyboard shortcuts, add “track changes,” “insert comment,” and “save to PDF” to the quick access toolbar. The quick access toolbar is the row of icons at the very top of MS Office programs. You can add just about anything to it. Instead of clicking through ribbons, you can just click the icon. To add or remove shortcut icons, click the down arrow on the far right of the icon row. That will give you this menu. Select “More Commands…” at the very bottom.

That will generate this popup. Click the down arrow under “Choose commands from,” and select “Review Tab.” From the options listed, click on “New Comment” to highlight it, click the “Add” button. Then repeat for “Track Changes” which you can find further down the list.

Finally, from the “Choose commands from” menu, select “File Tab.” Scroll down to “Publish as PDF,” and add it.

Using the quick access toolbar. You can either click on the appropriate icon with your mouse or you can use an easy keyboard shortcut. Open Word and hit the ALT key on your keyboard. Notice how each icon on the quick access toolbar has a number? Just hit that number to launch that function. For me, ALT-5 saves my file as a PDF; ALT-8 opens the menu of my most recently used files.

Want to change the order of the icons on your quick access toolbar? Go back into your toolbar customization area. Highlight the icon you’d like to move, and click the appropriate button to move it up or down in the list.

Return assignments to students.

Now that you’ve graded the assignment, it’s time to return it to your student. If you use a course management system, you can upload it to the student there.

I email them. I put my students’ email addresses next to their names in the Excel spreadsheet where I keep their grades. Excel will automatically make the email address a hot link. Just click the address, and Outlook launches a new email message. To attach the file, open the folder that contains the assignment, and drag it over to the body of the email. Outlook will automatically attach it.

Email tip. In your Excel file, right click on the student’s email address and “edit hyperlink.” That will generate this window. In the subject box I have “Psych 100 assignment” so that every time I click on the student’s email address, the new mail message that pops up has the student’s email address in the “to” line and “Psych 100 assignment” in the subject line.

File management tips. Inside my “Student papers” folder I have a “Graded” folder. Once I’ve graded a few assignments I move them into the “Graded” folder. The assignments are easy to identify because there’s both the original document and the PDF. Inside my “Graded” folder is a “Sent” folder. Once I have a bunch graded, I open my Excel spreadsheet and email my students their graded assignments. Once they’ve been mailed, I move the files to the “Sent”

Video. If you’d like to see this in action, this video walks you through how I receive, grade, and return a student paper.

[swfobj src=”” width=”600″ height=”400″]

What tips, tricks, and shortcuts do you have for grading electronically? Share Your Desktop.

[UPDATE: See this more recent post on Join.Me’s newest features.]

Let’s say that you’re working with a few colleagues on a project. They’re scattered across campus (or the country). It may be easier if everyone is looking at the same screen as you review or edit a document, or take notes on the meeting, or debate the value of some webpage. is a free and easy way to do that. You connect to Then give your colleagues the URL you’re given. When they follow it, they see your desktop. Live. It’s as simple as that.

When I connect to, here is the toolbar I get. At the very top is a URL. That’s the URL that will connect to my computer, but only as long as I’m connected for that session. If you went to that URL now, you’d get an “invalid code” error on the website. Every time you start a new session, you get a new code.

For communication, you have a few options.

Phone: You can call each other. You can use your own conference call setup. Or you can use’s built-in conference call system. Clicking the phone icon (same for those connected to your desktop), you get a phone number to call (long distance charges apply, but that’s between you and your carrier; Skype works just fine). The access code to join the call is the same code assigned to your URL. [If you decide to use your own conference call number, you can change the information in so that your conference call information is given when participants click the phone icon. Check the conference call page in their FAQ for more information.]

Chat: There’s a built in chat window. If you have it closed, you’ll get a popup when a new chat entry is made. I wouldn’t want to have an entire meeting using chat, but it’s a helpful addition to a phone call.

The pause button freezes your screen for everyone else while you do stuff you don’t want them to see. Hit it again to go live.

The person icon shows you who all is viewing your desktop. Each person comes in as “Viewer #,” except for you. You’re “Presenter.” Participants and presenter can click the person icon, then click on the top viewer (that’s them) to change their name to something more descriptive, like “Bob.” You can have up to 250 participants. I think that’s more than sufficient. That’s a lot of Bobs.

The mouse icon, when other participants are present, lets you give control of your desktop to a participant in the room. For example, if you’re editing a document, and someone has a clear idea of how to word something, give them control of your desktop and just let them do it.

If someone is ticking you off, kick them out. Click the person icon and click the x next to their name.

Limitations: Any sounds you play on your computer cannot be heard by anyone else. If sounds were essential, you could play it over the phone, I suppose.

This isn’t a comprehensive list of features, but it’s enough to get you started! Happy sharing!

Organize Your Desktop

Is your computer desktop cluttered with icons? Having trouble sorting through them? I recently read one of those blog posts (Digital Inspiration) that makes you go, “I can’t believe that never occurred to me.”

I changed my desktop wallpaper to this minimalist image of a desk and bookcase, then arranged my icons on the bookcase. How cool is that?

(Thanks to Digital Inspiration for the suggestion of putting the computer and recycling bin with the desk.)

Visit this website to get the image. Right click on it and select “Set as Desktop Background.”

Then go to your desktop, right click on any empty space. Under “View,” make sure “Auto arrange icons” and “Align icons to grid” are unchecked. Now arrange them however you’d like.

Icons rearrange themselves?

Because I move from my laptop to monitors at home and monitors in my office, my screen resolution often changes, and the icons get moved around. Before it was a minor annoyance, but with the bookshelves it’s a bigger hassle. After doing much reading, I opted for a little free program called DesktopOK. It keeps track of where my icons are for each screen resolution. If my icons get moved, I can right click on the DesktopOK icon in my taskbar, and choose the resolution I want my icons to restore to.

DesktopOK initially runs in German. Click on “DesktopOK” then under “Sprache,” to select English, or another language of your choosing.

Remove text from icons

Text is nice to have for some icons, like files and folders. But for others, like Dropbox or the recycle bin, the text just clutters stuff up. For the obvious icons, I got rid of the text.

You’re not going to believe the solution to this one. Right click on the icon whose text you want to delete. Select “Rename.” Now press Alt-255, but the numbers have to be selected using your NumPad. On a laptop, you probably have to use something like your function key to turn on your NumPad. (That would be Alt-Fn-kii on my laptop keyboard.) Then hit Enter. The name has disappeared. If you want to do it with another icon, you have to do Alt-255 twice, then Enter. For a 3rd icon? You got it. Alt-255 Alt-255 Alt-255. “Alt-255” is a keyboard shortcut for a space. See more shortcuts here. Even though an icon can’t be named a ‘space’ with the regular spacebar, it can be with the Alt-255 shortcut. What you’re really doing is renaming those icons ‘space,’ ‘space space,’ ‘space space space.’

Other desktop wallpaper organizers

While I’m partial to the bookcase and desk, you might enjoy a bit more pizzazz. Check out these very cool (free) ones from Clay Butler. Here’s a sample of what they look like.

If you’re the adventurous type, you can create your own using any photo editing program.

Happy organizing!

If you come across, or create, a desktop organizer that you really like, add it to the comments on this post. I’d love to see it!

JoliPrint: Print Clutter-Free Webpages

[UPDATE 12/12/2012  : Bad news.  JoliPrint is shutting down effective January 4, 2012. Use instead.]

Find an article online that you’d like to print out for your class for discussion that day? JoliPrint takes the webpage content and turns it into an uncluttered PDF.

Here I’ve taken my post on colorizing Windows folders and turned it into a PDF. Pretty, isn’t it?

A couple things to note. The date and time are included at the top of the page. That’s the time in Paris where one of the company’s offices is located. At the bottom of the page is the website’s URL. In the PDF, the link is live. Just click it to go to the website the PDF came from.

How to use it

If you visit the website, just paste the URL you want to PDF-ize into the box.

Better yet, drag their JoliPrint button to your browser’s bookmarks toolbar. Whenever you land on a page you want to print as a PDF, click the bookmark, and the page will be saved as a nicely-formatted PDF. Very slick!

At the very bottom of this post, you’ll see a JoliPrint icon. Click that icon to PDF-ize this blog post. Check it out!