
“I can’t wait to implement what I learned from her talk to make my life as a professor easier.”
— Southern California Teaching of Psychology Conference,

“Great speaker – engaging. Seriously useful tools.”
— Workshop, Xavier University of Louisiana

Sue Frantz is available–virtually and in person–for presentations, workshops (1-hr to daylong), and consulting.

Her engaging style uses humor to put even the most tech-phobic at ease, ensuring that everyone from tech novice to tech expert will take away something new.

Sue will work with you to develop a session geared to your interests, audience, and time limits.
Presentations have included topics such as

  • Enhancements to the Canvas learning management system
  • Email management: Achieving and maintaining inbox zero
  • Clipboard managers and text expanders for more efficient grading
  • Project management and tracking course changes using Trello
  • Password management using LastPass

Please submit your inquiry using the form below.
Honorarium is negotiable.

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